Eco-Friendly Swaps

Being eco-friendly doesn’t mean giving up what you are used to – but it may mean swapping what you currently consume with products that consume fewer resources and lead to less waste at the end of its life. Or it may mean consuming differently – by taking part in the circular and sharing economy. Either way, there are so many easy and cost-effective eco-friendly swaps to consider.

“You can’t buy your way to sustainability” is a common refrain in the eco-community and it’s a valid point – constant consumption doesn’t reduce your impact on the environment, even if it is consumption of eco-friendly products


However, some things are a part of our everyday lives that we can not do without. And there are consumables in our lives that need replacing. 


So let’s make sure what we consume does not unnecessarily impact our environment, by considering some of the alternatives covered in the blog posts mentioned below.


Household Items

Here you will find links to other random items I’ve looked into and explored. There are so many small businesses committed to sustainable production and reducing their carbon footprint, so I am sure this list will increase as I discover more.

And I have written guides that provide you with the information needed to make the right purchasing decision: 

Peer-to-Peer Sharing

Have I always opted for not buying an item but borrowing instead? Honestly, I can’t say that I have. But I am open to it and it’s something I am exploring further.

Here are some resources I have been able to pull together on this. The information I have gathered is directed toward an Australian audience but those overseas may find something useful, giving you clues for what to look out for in your own neighbourhood:


Eco-friendly cleaning products

Information on the production methods (and therefore the carbon footprint) of cleaning products is hard to find. But the impact chemicals have on the natural environment is known – in particular the impact on aquatic life if these chemicals were to enter our water streams. In choosing what products to use, I have focused on making sure the products have minimal to no impact on aquatic life, while plastic-free packaging was a secondary consideration. 


Check out these blog posts for information on what has worked for me and the research I have uncovered: 

Personal Hygiene

The easiest area of your life to introduce changes are products for personal use – personal hygiene products being one of those areas. Here’s a list of a couple of easy swaps you can make in this space: Top 5 low waste personal hygiene products

Sunglasses and Prescription Glasses