If you are working towards a simplified and more sustainable life, you are at the right place.

Here you will find the resources and steps that helped me realise this in my own life.

There are things we can ALL do to live sustainably. 
Steps that can simplify your life and give you back time. Steps that can save you money. Steps that allow you to do your part in the sustainability movement. 
And a lot can be done without changing too much of your everyday life.
I know this because that has been my experience over the last 7 years, as I have made the changes needed to declutter my life and live a life with less impact. 
And I’m no environmentalist or greenie – I’m just a mum in suburbia trying to do better, taking small steps to minimise my impact on the environment, while still enjoying the lifestyle I have become accustomed to.
Read more about me here

I have found that it’s not the changes that are hard – it’s knowing what to do and how to do it in a way that doesn’t turn your life upside down. 
On this website, you will find practical tips and resources that will allow you to make the changes needed to simplify your life and live sustainably.  
You can start feeling good about your purchases and the services you engage in. You can start living a life that is not doing as much harm as it did the day before. And you can do it in a way that reduces stress and overwhelm and works seamlessly with your life.
So explore and discover something new. 

Make better consumer choices

You will find easy and cost-effective swaps you can make to help you live a low waste and low tox life. 

Topics covered to date include personal hygiene, cleaning, stationery products and peer-to-peer sharing. Sometimes this will be about product recommendations, but it will also be about using what we have 😊

Create an eco-friendly home

Live a low-impact life by decluttering responsibly and putting organising systems in place to simplify your life. 
Topics covered to date include capsule wardrobes, addressing common recycling and composting questions, places where you can donate items and how to declutter and organise your home to make life easier ✨ 

Deal with institutions that care

Discover if you are unconsciously financing the destruction of our living conditions and support eco-friendly institutions instead. 
Topics covered to date include green energy providers and eco-friendly banks. You will find how-to guides and resources to help you find a service provider that cares 🌎 
Only if we understand, can we care.
Only if we care, we will help.
Only if we help, we shall be saved.

- Jane Goodall

Follow Sustainably Sorted on Instagram

Don’t have time for long form information? Not after the research, resources and how to guides?
If you are after some quick and easy tips and a peek into my own life, follow me on Instagram.  
Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful citizens can change the world.
Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.

- Margaret Mead